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Upcoming Events
NN 2015 - Dynamical effects in fission reactions investigated at high excitation energy
NN 2015 - Nuclear Reaction studies for Explosive Nuclear Astrophysics
NN 2015 - Indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics
NN 2015 - Reaction models in nuclear astrophysic
NN 2015 - Where is the site of the r-process?
NN 2015 - Research at the future facility Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP)
NN 2015 - Radioactive ion beam factory at RIKEN
NN 2015 - Time Projection Chambers to probe Nuclear Reactions
NN 2015 - Present and future of RIB facilities in Europe
NN 2015 - Experimental Highlights on QCD Medium Properties at RHIC
NN 2015 - Light Nuclei and Hypernuclei from Lattice QCD
NN 2015 - Chiral nucleon-nucleon forces in nuclear structure calculations
NN 2015 - Intermidiate energy nuclear reactions
23 marzo 2013 - Deployment torre Km3Net
European Summer School 2015 - Santa Tecla, Italy
Video istituzionale del Progetto KM3NeT
Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 30 settembre 2016_Sicilia Journal
Luglio 2015. Workshop INFN-LNS: Nuove opportunità per le aziende
Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2016 - Spot
1976-2016 I LNS dell'INFN compiono 40 anni di attività.
1976 - 2016 : 40 anni LNS
Visita ministra Maria Elena Boschi ai LNS 10 settembre 2016